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Start of the End

October 31, 2022

Semester update

During the past few months I've collaborated with Professor Jennifer Muehlenkamp to work on the development of the diversity grant, submitting the application, and accepting the grant to fund my research project. The focus of my work over the few months have been spent looking into research articles that revolved around the factors associated with the desire to cease non-suicidal self-injury. The specific themes I wanted to focus on include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Social-Based Therapy, and Emotion Regulation (Group) Therapy. My goal is to understand the effectiveness in reducing non-suicidal self-injury.

Taking the GRE and Grad School

During the past few months I have taken the GRE and began to develop clinical experience to build my CV. I've begun my search into grad schools to begin the process of applying to masters programs. After given time I have decided to look into schools within the Midwest in hopes to save the most money for my route to pursue my PhD in Clinical Psychology. My goal for next fall is to be accepted into a Counseling Psychology program and to complete my masters degree. I am primarily looking into the University of Wisconsin - Stout, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, University of Marquette - Milwaukee, as well as the University of Wisconsin - Madison. In the upcoming weeks I plan to finalize my application requirements and to complete the application process by the end of November.

Preparing for the End

I look toward the future in determination to develop the comprehensive literature review during the fall semester in preparation for the McNair Symposium on December 7th by planning on a weekly basis the materials I will need for the presentation. I also look forward to completing a lot of research work during this time and focus on wrapping up the semester strong with my academic classes. I look forward to the challenge that the next two months will bring and the hard work that will come with it. In preparation to the semester, I work and develop time into the projects and to set deadlines for myself to focus on the continuation of the research project and academia work.


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